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In: Orme M ed Anti-rheumatic drugs. Pergamon Press, New York, pp — Acta Univ Carol Med Praha — Zurück zum Zitat Lowe JS, Turner EH The effect of adjuvant arthritis and drugs on the ability of rat plasma to inhibit the triton X induced lysis of rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocyte granules. Zurück zum Zitat Lullmann-Rauch R, Pods R, von Witzendorff B The antimalarials quinacrine and chloroquine induce weak lysosomal storage of sulphated glycosaminoglycans in cell culture and in vivo.
Toxicology —37 PubMedCrossRef Lullmann-Rauch R, Pods R, von Witzendorff B The antimalarials quinacrine and chloroquine induce weak lysosomal storage of sulphated glycosaminoglycans in cell culture and in vivo. Toxicology —37 PubMed CrossRef. Zurück zum Zitat Mackenzie AH c Dose refinements in long-term therapy of rheumatoid arthritis with antimalarials. Prostaglandins — PubMed CrossRef. Ophthalmology — PubMed CrossRef. Zurück zum Zitat Mary CF, Legros J Experimental study of ocular effects of hydroxychloroquine in the rat: influence of oxidiser status.
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Zurück zum Zitat Namazi MR The potential negative impact of proton pump inhibitors on the immunopharmacologic effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Lupus — PubMedCrossRef Namazi MR The potential negative impact of proton pump inhibitors on the immunopharmacologic effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Zurück zum Zitat Neal TM, Vissers MC, Winterbourn CC Inhibition by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of superoxide production and granule enzyme release by polymorphonuclear leukocytes stimulated with immune complexes or formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine.
Biochem Pharmacol — PubMedCrossRef Neal TM, Vissers MC, Winterbourn CC Inhibition by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of superoxide production and granule enzyme release by polymorphonuclear leukocytes stimulated with immune complexes or formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine.
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Zurück zum Zitat Neidel J, Zeidler U Independent effects of interleukin 1 on proteoglycan synthesis and proteoglycan breakdown of bovine articular cartilage in vitro. Agents Actions —90 PubMedCrossRef Neidel J, Zeidler U Independent effects of interleukin 1 on proteoglycan synthesis and proteoglycan breakdown of bovine articular cartilage in vitro. Chromosome damaging effect. Zurück zum Zitat Newbold BB Chemotherapy of arthritis induced in rats by mycobacterial adjuvant. Zurück zum Zitat Northover BJ Effect of indomethacin and related drugs on the calcium ion-dependent secretion of lysosomal and other enzymes by neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes in vitro.
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Zurück zum Zitat Pussard E, Verdier, Blayo M-C Simultaneous determination of chloroquine, amadiaquine and their metabolites in human plasma, red blood cells, and whole blood and urine by column liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr — PubMedCrossRef Pussard E, Verdier, Blayo M-C Simultaneous determination of chloroquine, amadiaquine and their metabolites in human plasma, red blood cells, and whole blood and urine by column liquid chromatography.
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In: The control of tissue damage. Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research, p Rainsford KD Effects of anti-inflammatory drugs on the release from synovial tissues of cartilage-resorbing catabolin-like activity in vitro: role of assay conditions and drug effects on eicosanoid metabolism.
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J Immunol — PubMed Scala G, Oppenheim JJ Antigen presentation by human monocytes: evidence for stimulant processing and requirement for interleuklin 1. Zurück zum Zitat Schug BS, Kalbhen DA Influence of chloroquine and other substances on the collagenolytic activity in human osteoarthritic cartilage in vitro.
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Arzneimittelforschung — PubMed Schug BS, Kalbhen DA Influence of chloroquine and other substances on the collagenolytic activity in human osteoarthritic cartilage in vitro. Arzneimittelforschung — PubMed. Zurück zum Zitat Sibtain SK et al. Rheumatology Oxford i61—i61 Sibtain SK et al. Rheumatology Oxford i61—i Zurück zum Zitat Smith RJ Modulation of phagocytosis by and lysosomal enzyme secretion from guinea-pig neutrophils: effect of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents and prostaglandins.
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Br J Clin Practice 41 Suppl 52 — Hydroxychloroquin beispielsweise mg zweimal wöchentlich behandelt. Auch hier zeigten sich in Zellkultur erfolgversprechende Ergebnisse bei einer mittleren effektiven Konzentration im mikromolaren Bereich sowohl für Chloroquin [38] als auch für Hydroxychloroquin. Eine Übersichtsarbeit vom März kommt zu dem Schluss, dass hochwertige klinische Daten aus verschiedenen geografischen Regionen dringend erforderlich seien.
März einen Genehmigungsantrag für eine klinische Studie angekündigt. März beginnen. Am Chloroquin beziehungsweise Hydroxychloroquin werden in den vorläufigen belgischen Behandlungsrichtlinien [52] sowie den südkoreanischen Richtlinien [53] für COVIDPatienten empfohlen. Er und seine Frau hatten das Mittel zur Behandlung von Fischen gegen Parasiten ohne ärztliche Begleitung konsumiert und entwickelten kurz danach Symptome einer Vergiftung.
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